Drop-down List-Make your data more Qualitative and Standard by using Drop Down list(सीखे उसी लिस्ट में नये Data item को केसे जोड़ना और केसे हटाना हे | )


Drop-down List

Benefits of Drop Down List:

    • Ensure Quality of Data.
    • It is Very useful to monitor data
    • Your Data Input become Standard form.
    • Data Analysis become very easy .
Where we can use of Drop down list.

    • To Creating State/District/Block/Gram panchayat and Village profile 
    • To Create Subject Wise List or Courses list can mention.
    • To mention Activity name by your own Code name 
    • To Creating Gender Detail (Male,Female,Other)
    • To Create Social Categories(ST,SC,OBC,Gen,Other)

How to Create a Drop Down list | Add/Remove more Items in Existing list |

Drop-down lists in Excel are helpful if you want to be sure that users select an item from a list, instead of typing their own values.

It also ensure the quality of  data .

Create a Drop-down List

To create a drop-down list in Excel, execute the following steps.

Step 1   Either you select same sheet for or you can select another sheet where you type your data, type the items you want to appear in the drop-down list.

Step 2: I have typed these data in  StateName Sheet ,

Note: After Creating Drop down list You must hide or protect that column or sheet by access from some one else if you loss the data from there, then your data list will also affected.

Step 3: Go to Sheet State Name which shown in Step1 then click on the  Data menu tab –then go to the data tools group, here  you click  on  Data Validation option...


 The Data Validation dialog box will appear in front of you:

Step 4: Here you see Allow box      Select List option

Step 5: Go to Source option     =$B$2:$B$6

Drop Down list data validation box

Note: You can fill your source either manually by typing or by selecting Cell range .


Step 6: Click on Ok button

Here is your Drop Down list  
It appears in this form on selected cell

See full  Drop down list 


Note: Simply you can copy/paste a drop-down list any where in any sheet as you like, select the cell with the drop-down list and press CTRL + c, select another cell and press CTRL + V. This simple copy paste(use in Another sheet) is  valid only in Excel 2010 and higher version of excel, it not works in 2007 .

Note: this makes your drop-down list case sensitive. For example, if a user types anything apart from this list, then it shows an error alert msg box will be displayed.


Add/Remove Items

You can add or remove items from a drop-down list in Excel without opening the 'Data Validation' dialog box and changing the range reference. This saves your time.

1. To add an item to a drop-down list, go to the items and select an item.
2. Right click, and then click Insert.

3. Select "Shift cells down" and click OK.

4 Now type a new item.
Note: Excel automatically changed the range reference from StateName!$B$2:$B$6 to StateName!$B$2:$B$7. You can check this by opening the 'Data Validation' dialog box.
5. To remove an item from a drop-down list, , click Delete, select "Shift cells up" and click OK.

Here as you right click above screen will appear click on Delete option that given just below the insert option.  

After this new delete box will appear click on shift cell up then OK

If you want to  learn Dynamic Drop Down list Kindly comment I will write  one separate fully dedicated to Dynamic Drop down list.   

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